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Advanced Service Editor

Advanced Service Editor

Program help and user manual

You can use Advanced Service Editor from GUI or from the command line.

GUI (Graphic User Interface) usage

Double click on the SvcEditor.exe, select service from the list and change service security settings or open service properties window.

Also here you can run the registry editor to make additional changes or control settings and parameters.

If you do not have enough rights to make changes, then you can restart the Advanced Service Editor with administrator rights or even with system rights!

You can use incremental search and significantly increase navigation by typing service name in the services list. Moreover, you can select a column first for the service display name or service name before typing.

Command line usage

SvcEditor.exe <Command1> <Command1Paremeter> <Command2> <Command2Paremeter> ...


 Set selected service after program starting
 Can't be used with /Show* parameters

 Show the service properties dialog

 Show the registry settings for the service

 Show the service security settings dialog

 Used with third-party software to setup the owner of the dialog
 Can be used with /ShowProperties and /ShowSecurity parameters

Note: usage of SvcEditor with third-party software must be licensed.
All other usages from GUI or command line are freeware.

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